Sally Victoria, 'Discrimination Dairy'. Acrylics, 2023
Discrimination Daisy by Sally Victoria
Artist statement: Helloooo, I’m Sally Victoria - The Brushless Artist, I only paint using my hands.
I am now using my art as a platform to raise awareness of dyslexia and dyscalculia and what a great superpower it is! I would like to help build confidence for people with this disability, as for years growing up I felt unsupported by the school system, and it made me leave school with no self confidence believing I was thick and not very intelligent.
I studied B-tec because my memory isn’t good for A-levels, feeling excluded whilst all my friends went to 6th form, I had to go to college not knowing anyone. Sitting with a special needs assistant everyday in the university library to help me read and help write my assignments… wasn’t very cool for my street cred. From my struggle growing up, I now understand my strengths and weaknesses and use my strengths of creativity and communication.
As my disability isn’t visible I feel this artwork resembles that even a flower can’t be perfect, but it is beautiful in it’s own individual way! I added the splats to release my pent up slightly angry energy about being bullied as it’s still raw to me and this was a great way to release it.
I didn’t used to like being different, but now I embrace it!
I have a video on my Instagram of me creating this artwork, so you can see the process :)
Artwork Name: ’Discrimination Daisy’
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 16.5x23.4 (in)
Follow Sally on Instagram at @sallyvictoriaart
Sally Victoria
Sally Victoria, 'Discrimination Dairy'. Acrylics, 2023
Discrimination Daisy by Sally Victoria
Artist statement: Helloooo, I’m Sally Victoria - The Brushless Artist, I only paint using my hands.
I am now using my art as a platform to raise awareness of dyslexia and dyscalculia and what a great superpower it is! I would like to help build confidence for people with this disability, as for years growing up I felt unsupported by the school system, and it made me leave school with no self confidence believing I was thick and not very intelligent.
I studied B-tec because my memory isn’t good for A-levels, feeling excluded whilst all my friends went to 6th form, I had to go to college not knowing anyone. Sitting with a special needs assistant everyday in the university library to help me read and help write my assignments… wasn’t very cool for my street cred. From my struggle growing up, I now understand my strengths and weaknesses and use my strengths of creativity and communication.
As my disability isn’t visible I feel this artwork resembles that even a flower can’t be perfect, but it is beautiful in it’s own individual way! I added the splats to release my pent up slightly angry energy about being bullied as it’s still raw to me and this was a great way to release it.
I didn’t used to like being different, but now I embrace it!
I have a video on my Instagram of me creating this artwork, so you can see the process :)
Artwork Name: ’Discrimination Daisy’
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 16.5x23.4 (in)
Follow Sally on Instagram at @sallyvictoriaart