Unmet needs by Scarlet Novak
Photography with text
Artist statement:
I constantly downplay the help I require
I constantly minimise the care that I need
And I do it often at my own expense
To be more palatable
To be less work
I let my needs live below others comfort
I let my safety live below others fun
I do it at my own expense
To be more accepted,
To be less alone
I long for a world where my needs are not seen as unreasonable
A world where accessibility is routine
A place where needs are met more gently
A place where everyone's needs are met in community
Scarlet Novak
Unmet needs by Scarlet Novak
Photography with text
Artist statement:
I constantly downplay the help I require
I constantly minimise the care that I need
And I do it often at my own expense
To be more palatable
To be less work
I let my needs live below others comfort
I let my safety live below others fun
I do it at my own expense
To be more accepted,
To be less alone
I long for a world where my needs are not seen as unreasonable
A world where accessibility is routine
A place where needs are met more gently
A place where everyone's needs are met in community